Amazolou Darlin
Maidstone & Medway Show Results:
Awarded First in Selkirk Kitten Class & Best of Breed
Side classes 1st AC Selkirk Breeders Kitten
1ST & BOB TO – AMARILLIS AMAZOLOU DARLIN (SRL g 03 22) F (12.07.2024)
Blue Cream & White with Tabby, a lot to like about this female of just five
months, the type is already well defined with a really good body shape. Very
nice breadth of head forehead is rounded with a gently curved top between
neat ears set well apart and have plenty of curly inner furnishings, super
expressive round eyes, her nose is short and straight and has a downward
slant, medium width to muzzle when viewed from above giving the impression
of a matchbox shape beginning to form with a strong chin and level bite,
whisker pads developing to give very nice balance to the lower face.
Rectangular body shape with a well matched tail, good boning to her legs.
Semi long coat of very nice texture the patches of colour are pastel cream and
blue with a hint of tabby coming through with sparkling white, really nice
unstructured curls to the body there is a ruff framing her head and the tail is
well plumed with plenty of waving, beautifully groomed and handled really
well, lovely female.
National Cat Club Show Results:
Awarded First in Selkirk Kitten Class & Best of Breed
Side Classes 4th AV Non-Self Breeders Kitten (5)
1st AV Prettiest Female Kitten (4)
This was a long journey for the kittens but they had a great time and gained lots of attention, Darlin lapped it all up.